NOTE: Once you register you will be brought back to this page. Once you came back registered, keep scrolling down to do the Next Steps from here. Click here to enter into WOWUNOW if already registered.

We will delete profiles that aren’t registered with proper names in order to prevent BOTS, Malware or ill intended use as we are fiercely committed to protecting our community.






Help Shape The Power Of What We Can Do Together


We want YOU if you’re positive, action-minded and care about making a difference in the world and helping humanity heal and thrive together!

Away from the shaming, blaming, bullying or division or manipulative algorithms, we stand for a social community that cares and has each other’s back. A stand for getting TRUSTED, vetted resources for FREE available to you at your fingertips.

Here at WOWUNOW, we are a stand for a world where we can have different viewpoints, religions, politics, culture, race, preferences and yet celebrate the common thread of coming together to better our own lives, each other’s lives and the world.







This is your safe space to connect socially with others around the world and to proactively grow your mindset, your health, your love, your wallet and the power of your impact.

We are designed to be your TOOL, your FUEL for “Being The Change You Wish To See In The World”.

Not only can you connect, collaborate and grow together, while being supported in making powerful change, you get REWARDED for your engagement - both in content you absorb and in all actions you take!



Read NEXT STEPS BELOW For Being The First

To Enter Into WOWUNOW (Its FREE!)

and how to make the most of your journey here in order to WOW Your WORLD!




1. Watch Video Above (shares much of what’s written here below)

2. REGISTER - click optin and will take you to the reg form (Make SURE to notate down and remember your Password once you go to set it!)


 Note: Once you register you will be brought back to this page. We will tell you Next Steps from here.


3. Once registered, You’re IN! You’ll then be taken back to this page to see the next steps. Read through that first, and then follow these next steps. 


4. Do you see our WOWUNOW logo on the top left corner of your screen? You can click on it whenever you want to go to the Home Page! You can also click on the Resources text on the top of your screen to find our Resources feed, and you will find, PINNED top of the feed, THIS welcome page and Second is the page for ALL next steps for you to get used to our platform. LOOK AT THAT POST/PAGE to know how to BEST use this platform (and this top Welcome page is the one to share out to your people that would be a great fit for WOWUNOW as it is AUTOMATICALLY coded with your referral link in there when you share as long as you’re signed in)





A) Click upper left 3 lines at the Top of this Page - drop down appears

B) Go To Profile circle thumbnail as shown here - it’ll show whatever username you gave it - click on that



C) It takes you to your profile area - click “Edit Profile" in lower right of the banner showing



D) Add Bio is where you add your info on yourself (parameters given)

E) Portfolio is where you can add photos or videos like a Gallery of YOU or what you wish to share/show (can even showcase PDFs)

F) Once hit “Edit Profile” you’re taken here to enter your info (and will re-enter your password there as well).

We recommend you share your phone and address so we can share important notifications and send you free goodies from time to time as well - up to you!

Once you’ve hit Edit Profile and entered info, PLEASE A ADD PHOTO OF YOU - do so by clicking the circle picture area when in edit profile mode and you can then enter a pic.

You’ll be able to adjust the zoom in or zoom out and where to crop in the next step. Do the same with the Banner Photo you wish to have as the background behind your profile photo - click it when in edit mode in order to upload the photo you’ll use.




Once happy, then please scroll to the bottom and save where it says “Update Profile” - click that and you’re now official!

6. You’ll notice you already got points! You get points for: > Showing up > Liking >. Commenting > Sharing out > Engaging with Content > Receiving Likes or comments (for great posts from YOU!)

Every week we’ll have different offers you can exchange points for just for that week so stay engaged and get rewarded with all sorts of FREE goodies!

7. Once done setting up your profile - Click on Community and MAKE A POST INTRODUCING YOURSELF - Ideally a 30 second or less video! (All videos posted directly need to be under 30 seconds OR you can DIRECTLY post a Youtube or Vimeo Link and it will pop up that way). The more you engage and people engage with you, the more rewarded you will be!



(you can also always click “WOWUNOW” in the upper left navigation area to go to the home page)

8. This is YOUR Platform to CONNECT, COLLABORATE and GROW while getting to WOW YOUR WORLD together

9. Take advantage to our trusted RESOURCES AND EXPERTS - go to “RESOURCES” in upper right top navigation bar - You can also access our Resources and Experts Channels by clicking on the three lines on the top left to display the left menu and clicking on Resources to display them. On the Resources Feed, that you can also access on "Explore & Discover" on the left Menu, Pinned at the top will be the welcome page you saw here (for you to share out when signed in and will automatically tag all those who come through that share to YOU - you will get % of profits from what gets generated in platform). Under that first post, the second post is a FULL USER MANUAL with links for what you can do/need to do for everything from watching videos, to navigating groups, etc



You can also go to the home page and navigate in any of our areas of interest



10. WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK and SUPPORT! What do you love - what do you suggest and what might you find that is either a temporary bug (we are in Pre-Beta!) or you think could be even better if “____” < your suggestion). Either click on that upper right envelope any time and that opens up email to send your suggestion or feedback to: [email protected] Or just send an email directly to this email address THANK YOU!



11. WOW YOUR DAY, YOUR WAY” BUILD A HABIT so you WOW YOUR WORLD: Take 15 minutes a day - 5 minutes for each step here every day (or more - up to you!) and you will be demonstrating “BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD”

1) Something for YOU - absorb a piece or two of content to ignite your day in your area of interest - navigate the netflix/reels kind of display on the home page and look at what pops out to you in either Mind, Body, Spirit, Life, Business or World. You can also go directly into the category of your choice and scroll through the most recent posts from our Vetted, Curated Trusted Resources here for you FREE!

2) Something for People around you in your community - post something in the Community feed as your own post that’s contributive, inspirational, educational, information or a resource, etc (please no selling - keep it from a place of giving - which can always lead to further steps with you). Something you post just might get picked up and chosen to be SPOTLIGHTED on our Home page out to the entire community (you will be rewarded extra points too)

3)Something for the World - Share out a post or piece of content that stands out to you - whether from one of our resources or the community feed. Spreads the WOW (and comes back to you as all who get tagged to you, you will generate a % of profits from what gets generated through them on any in-platform sales from future events or paid offerings)


12. WOW YOUR DAY YOUR WAY - Check in every day to stay tuned in - We have upcoming events, special gifts, offerings, etc - free to give and empower you and your community.

We are JUST STARTING as we gear up to start spreading the word and soon go out to our over 200 Million in Reach And we are so happy to have you!

NOTE: We are in Phase 1

Phase 2 will have an entirely upgraded interface, more user-friendly and cutting-edge technology, and also other features that will all the more WOW YOUR DAY as we come out with them so STAY TUNED! And start to WOW!


Do you want to invite someone to the community?

If you already Register, please click the SHARE button down below and copy the link! When you paste the URL where you are going to share it you will notice that the URL will have your username on it, so the person you invite will be TAGGED TO YOU. SPREAD THE WORD!


To Learn More about How to Navigate Our Platform,

Please watch the Start Here On WOWUNOW Video Series by clicking here