Copywriting Bootcamp

The 5-Step Persuasive Copywriting Formula You Can Use To Sell Any Product On The Internet (Even If You’re Not A Professional Writer).


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Welcome To Copywriting Bootcamp

Lesson 1

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Module 1: The #1 Business Advice I Ever Got

Lesson 2

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Module 2: The Death Of Direct Marketing & The Birth Of Interactive

Lesson 3

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Module 3: The 4 Forms Of Copywriting

Lesson 4

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Module 4: The 5 Step Formula

Lesson 5

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Module 5: Case Study: How I Turned A Free Book Into $990,000

Lesson 6

Ed67d380 c46d 013a 1bd9 0a58a9feac02
Module 6: Case Study: How I've Charged Over $150,000

Lesson 7

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Module 7: Case Study: How A PPT Presentation Has Made Me $17.4 M +

Lesson 8


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Anik Singal

Digital Marketing Expert

Anik Singal has sold over $300 Million worth of products online, all by just using a computer and simple systems. He has made it his personal mission now to teach his secrets to Entrepreneurs around the world looking for true financial freedom.

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