PreFense Online Learning Program

The PreFense ® Online Learning Program teaches you how to develop your awareness and gain the skills and confidence to proactively avoid, mitigate, and defend against real-world threats without needing traditional self-defense, defensive tactics, or weapons. It provides you with the same training used by elite protective services globally to keep world leaders, dignitaries, and celebrities safe. There are no prerequisites, prior training, or experience needed to take this program. You are also not required to do this training all in one sitting. You can start and stop anytime you want 24/7/365 and run it on any electronic device with online access.


F793bf60 4366 013c fdda 0a58a9feac02
Module 1. Tip of the Iceberg

Lesson 1

6e39d290 4367 013c 056e 0a58a9feac02
Module 2. Normalcy Bias

Lesson 2

20c280e0 4435 013c ee66 0a58a9feac02
Module 3. Your Most Powerful Weapon

Lesson 3

7ee8d1c0 4436 013c 1357 0a58a9feac02
Module 4. Situational Awareness

Lesson 4

4cf497b0 4f33 013c a64f 0a58a9feac02
Module 5. Cycles of Action

Lesson 5

12024410 4437 013c ca31 0a58a9feac02
Module 6. The 90% Advantage

Lesson 6

39be3880 4437 013c f336 0a58a9feac02
Module 7. Anatomy of an Attack

Lesson 7

6258f370 4437 013c d8ad 0a58a9feac02
Module 8. Controlling Fear

Lesson 8

9ae3b5a0 4f33 013c a302 0a58a9feac02
Module 9. Controlling Your Personal Space

Lesson 9

B2817660 443a 013c 1368 0a58a9feac02
Module 10. Controlling Your Environment

Lesson 10

4af2c4a0 4a74 013c 022e 0a58a9feac02
Final Exam

Lesson 11

393fd790 5bb4 013c 3d0b 0a58a9feac02
Get Your Certificate Of Completion

Lesson 12


8c779990 53d9 013c 428a 0a58a9feac02

Founder of PreFense

The PreFense ® Online Learning Program teaches you how to develop your awareness and gain the skills and confidence to proactively avoid, mitigate and defend against real-world threats without needing traditional self-defense, defensive tactics or weapons. It provides you with the same training used by elite protective services globally to keep world leaders, dignitaries, and celebrities safe.

There are no prerequisites, prior training or experience needed to take this program. You are also not required to do this training all in one sitting. You can start and stop anytime you want 24/7/365 and run it on any electronic device with online access.

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